Walkthroughs: MetaGarden series


Join me today - streaming on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/tanja_ultramono Sphere3 Sectors. Walkthroughs of MetaGarden series. You can find out more about each sector here http://www.tanjav.art Sphere3 is devoted to ecological cycles of UltraNatural world of hybrids, sentient machines, and meditation on potential life-worlds. Wthin Sphere3, I am continuing with the research of universal symbols, multipractical (medically inspired) devices and sculptural ur-forms, hybrid things that come alive in both virtual worlds and as physical emanations of their digital twins, and coexistence of planes of the possible and the actual. Join me in chat, discord, social media, let's talk about the gardens of the future.


MetaGarden on Twitch


UltraNatural world of hybrids